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 Nucleosil is a totally porous silica packing, which is available with a full range of substituents. For its high quality level it has come  to be one of the most popular HPLC packings.

 There are a great variety of particle sizes, so that practically all the field of chromatography is covered, from ultrarapid columns  with packings of 3μm, to preparative scale, with packings of 25-40μm, the same selectivity being always maintained.

 The packings of 3, 5, 10μm are characterized by their well adapted distribution of particle sizes, which produces a high efficiency  and great stability in the HPLC columns.

 The Nucleosil packings are also distinguished by their great stability when subject to extreme values of pH ,being able to work  between pH 1 and 9. These values are unreachable by the majority of silica packings.
