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 Latest Generation HPLC Column

 Moreover, the mediterranea™ sea18 column has been designed to show an excellent retention of polar compounds in a 100%  aqueous environment without the problems of unwanted interactions which inefficiently endcapped conventional packings  produce.

 Packing chemistry based on the new MED technology, “multifunctional endcapping deactivated”, achieves levels of deactivation,  resistance to extreme pH values and versatility in its chromatographic applications never reached by conventional or  polar- embedded reverse phase packings.

 The MED technology has been rigorously developed to achieve the maximum reproducibility, with the objective that its  chromatographic separations will be, column to column, exactly the same.

An essential condition for obtaining the global-best reverse phase packing is an extremely pure silica.

The silica particle, on which the new mediterranea™ sea18 packing is based, is obtained from ultra-pure materials, using rigorously controlled manufacturing processes to ensure that the slightest possibility of contamination is avoided.

The mediterranea™ sea18 silica required intensive optimisation of numerous processing factors to achieve a perfectly spherical, rigid and inert particle possessing unusually low metal content.

The almost total absence of metals is one of the pillars over which the extraordinary properties of the mediterranea™ sea18 column reside.

Reference Description Price
TR-010065 Mediterranea Sea 18 Cartridge 3 µm 15 x 0,40 cm Consult
TR-010066 Mediterranea Sea 18 Cartridge 3 µm 25 x 0,40 cm Consult
TR-010355 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 3 x 0,46 cm Consult
TR-010357 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 10 x 0,46 cm Consult
TR-010358 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 5 x 0,46 cm Consult
TR-010359 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 15 x 0,46 cm Consult
TR-010360 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 20 x 0,46 cm Consult
TR-010361 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 25 x 0,46 cm Consult
TR-010368 Mediterranea Sea 4 Column 5 µm 25 x 0,46 cm Consult
TR-010382 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 5 x 0,21 cm Consult
TR-010383 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 10 x 0,21 cm Consult
TR-010384 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 15 x 0,21 cm Consult
TR-010393 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 10 x 0,30 cm Consult
TR-010394 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 15 x 0,30 cm Consult
TR-010396 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 25 x 0,30 cm Consult
TR-010403 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 10 x 0,78 cm Consult
TR-010404 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 15 x 0,78 cm Consult
TR-010405 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 25 x 0,78 cm Consult
TR-010408 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 25 x 1,00 cm Consult
TR-010411 Mediterranea Sea 8 Column 5 µm 15 x 2,12 cm Consult

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